Columbus Day FUN

Monday, October 10, 2016

While Columbus Day is a Federal Banking Holiday (how that impacts your credit card process in a moment!), for many people it is just another Monday.  We thought we would share a couple of entertaining and educational links so you could get up to speed on this very special day. 

But just like Mom always made us eat dinner before dessert- let's take a look at how Columbus Day (and any banking holiday) impacts your credit card processing deposits.

  • Deposits you were expecting today, will not be delivered to your checking account until tomorrow,
  • Transactions processed today will also take an additional day to deposit since the Federal Reserve is closed.

Now on to the good stuff:  a little humor.  Follow this link for a walk down Hollywood Boulevard with Jimmy Kimmel's staff.  I could relate as each person tried to recall their history lessons of the past!  CLICK HERE to watch the short video.

For some real MEAT & POTATOES history information on Columbus Day, CLICK HERE

Whether you have the day off or you get to be of service to people, please enjoy your Columbus Day!

Cheri Perry 10/10/2016