Integrity: It Matters!!

Monday, December 30, 2013


INTEGRITY is one of 'those' words! You know- the ones that make a promise just by speaking them. Lots of people and businesses utter these promising words and yet so few really do what is necessary to deliver.

As our Total Merchant Concepts team reflects on 2013 and makes plans for another incredible year, we want to share our commitment to service & Integrity with you!

#1 We PROMISE to deliver on our internal promise to take care of our team

#2 We PROMISE to deliver on each promise we make to our Merchants & Referral Partners

#3 We PROMISE to put forth a suite of products that help you grow your business

#4 We PROMISE to keep your desired end result in mind at all times

#5 We PROMISE fast, courteous and accurate service- delivered with a smile

#6 We PROMISE to make every effort to reduce unnecessary fees

#7 We PROMISE to treat you like we would want to be treated

#8 We PROMISE to treat your referrals like the gifts they are

#9 We PROMISE to continually increase our knowledge

#10 We PROMISE to act with Integrity in every action and with every interaction we have with you!

Thank you for an amazing year and for trusting us to take care of your business needs! We are VERY EXCITED to bring several new offerings and training opportunities to you in 2014! Click below for one of our favorite Integrity Stories!!

Honest Abe Story

Cheri Perry 12/30/2013